Tammy J. Coulter
The Rick Attison Novels
Welcome to the world of Rick Attison. A teen-age boy who struggles with many things - love, bullying, self-respect, and gangs. This is a road of discovery for him and I know many teens will identify with him and what he is going through. Come on in, sit a spell and wander the road with Rick, Jordan, Megan, Mickey and Tony. I only hope you enjoy it to encourage others to join you on this journey.
Tammy J. Coulter.

Black Knights
ISBN-13 978-1519499554​
Rick "Moneyman" Attison wants out of the Black Knights, a vicious teen gang led by the notorious Johnny "Blade" Chilton and his friends at Colonial High School. Rick's life isn't easy; his mother and brother have left the family, he rarely sees his father, who's addicted to gambling and is spending a large chung of the family fortune, his girlfriend is the daughter of the local police chief, who will stop at nothing to put an innocent Rick in jail, his girlfriend's brother doesn't trust him and his uncle and cousin barely know him. After being ordered by the courts into counselling, Rick meets Tony Whitefish, a quiet and reserved Cree police constable who is also a youth counselor and who is determined to keep Rick safe. The Black Knights will do anything to make Rick stay. What is Rick willing to do to leave?

White Daze
ISBN-13 978-1532729300
A new semester should have meant a clean slate for Rick Attison. He'd been cleared of attacking his cousin, Megan Attison. He was allowed back in school. He was allowed to see his girlfriend, Jordan O'Reilly. Things should be great, right? Instead, Rick's former gang, the Black Knights, embark on a bold new plan to frame Rick for something he didn't do, just like before. This time, though, Megan pays a hefty price for their plan. Can Rick make it in time to save Megan and maybe, just maybe, save himself?