Tammy J. Coulter
The Rick Attison Novels

I was born and raised in the Grande Prairie Alberta and currently reside in the small hamlet of Bezanson, a rural community filled with long time family and friends. I have always loved reading and writing. Both loves were encouraged by my parents and teachers, leading to a lifetime of happiness, diving into books with strong characters and stories. My favourite authors include Sherrilyn Kenyon, JR Ward, Thea Harrison, J. K. Rowling and Quinn Loftus.
I also love to garden, colour, craft and spending time with family and friends. These books have been published with a bit of a heavy heart. They are my brainchild, but the first two books were edited by my late husband and publishing them was a promise I made to him before he died. I'm glad I did.
The Rick Attison Novels is a project over 20 years in the making. The original story was written in 1994, was 30 pages, typed, double spaced, and the only thing that remains from that story? The names and one key concept. This series is my baby. I've watched it grow, develop, argue with me, curse me, cry with me and I hope it does the same for my readers.
Black Knights and White Daze are published with the help of Amazon's CreateSpace and I couldn't be happier with the finished product. Both can be purchased through Amazon.com or Amazon.ca. I am working on getting them available for Kobo as well. Black Knights is also listed on Goodreads and if you have read it, please review.
There are currently 5 books in the series, with Book 6 started and the idea for Book 7 bubbling around. I hope you, the reader, enjoy meeting and getting to know the characters as they face many trials, troubles, joys and sorrows. They will face their own roads of discovery, just as I have. Come into mine and Rick's world, sit down and stay a spell while you read.